





at present,our products are basically market supply exceeds demand of buyer’s market,market competition is intense with each passing day. In order to expand product sales, improve market share,a lot of enterprises to take credit for the way to carry out promotional activities.

This paper discusses the problems of accounts receivable, the full text is divided into four parts. The first part is the receivable overview. The second part is the account receivable management present situation and the existing problems, such as: accounts receivable management responsibility division of responsibilities are not clear; sell goods on credit to customer credit status investigation is not enough, leading to accounts receivable increased; accounts receivable not timely analysis, causes the enterprise the risk increases; collection costs increase; accounting not standard; the level of enterprise management can not adapt to the requirement of market economy. The third part is given the second parts mentioned in accounts receivable management present situation and the existence question proposed to execute ” accounts receivable” recycling system of job responsibility, clear accounts receivable management; take active beforehand of receivable Zhang money control strategy, set up customer information; establishment of accounts receivable analysis of system; formulate accounts receivable after control, reduce the cost of collection; control accounts and accounts receivable, improve accounting methods; optimization of marketing management strategy, accelerate the recovery of accounts receivable and countermeasures. Finally, at the end of the article the accounts receivable management the job raised expectations, but also reflects the accounts receivable management to enterprise’s further development has the very vital role.


Key words: accounts receivable; enterprise management; accounting; marketing management

         目  录

第一章 绪论

2.1 应收账款的概念

2.2 应收账款在市场竞争中的作用




2.3.1 应收账款的事前管理

2.3.2 应收账款的事后管理

第三章 我国企业应收账款的管理现状及存在问题的分析

3.1 赊销货物前对客户的信用状况调查不够

3.2 应收账款的账龄没有及时分析,导致企业风险增大

3.3 催收费用大量增加

3.4 应收账款信息化管理手段落后

3.5 经营理念落后,风险意识不足

第四章 完善企业应收账款管理的措施

4.1 采取积极地应收账款事前控制策略,建立客户资信资料

4.2 建立应收账款的账龄分析制度

4.3 完善对逾期应收账款的催收程序,尽量减少催收费用

4.4 加强信息化手段的运用,提升管理效果

4.5 提升公司经营理念,降低风险

第五章 结论与展望




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