

摘  要



关键词:自由现金流 企业价值 价值评估 直线现金流法DCF





Free cash flow and enterprise value assessment



Along with our country market economy system is preliminary build and the reform and open, the enterprise merger and acquisition quantity increases unceasingly, the scale is also expanding. In the merger process, regardless of is the acquisition of the company or the target company to the target company’s value, and the developed value evaluation system, enterprise value appraisal in our country starts late. But along with the economic globalization and unifinication process accelerate, asset recombines with unprecedented scale and speed. Especially after China’s accession to the WTO, Chinese enterprises into the international, and international consortium to China’s capital market, ask the enterprise value to be scientific, objective, justice reflected.

This article will study the enterprise’s value assessment theory, method, especially the discounted free cash flow model. On the basis of the clear several enterprise value appraisal methods, and then put these methods to practical use, finally proposed the free cash flow and company value to evaluate advantages and disadvantages as well as the development trend of the future, I believe that the country’s free cash flow and enterprise value assessment has a role of reference.


Key words: free cash flow in enterprise evaluation;


目  录

一、绪论 5

(一)问题的提出 5


(三)国内外研究现状 6

二、企业价值评估理论演进与评估方法评述 7

(一)企业价值评估概述 7

(二)企业价值评估的方法 8

三、基于自由现金流量的企业价值评估 9


(二)预测未来自由现金流量 10

(三)确定折现率 10

(四)估测企业的连续价值 10

四、自由现金流量估值模型的运用 11

(一)贴现现金流量法模型及应用 11

(二)贴现现金流量法的优缺点分析 12

五、自由现金流量估值模型优缺点及其发展方向 13

(一)自由现金流量估值模型的优越性 13

(二)自由现金流量估值模型的局限性 15

(三)自由现金流量企业价值评估的发展方向 16

结论 16

参考文献 18

致谢 19


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