

Path Planning of modern garden city landscape perspective designed to explore small towns

Abstract: Modern city full of high-rise towers, traffic congestion, populous. The rapid expansion of urban and natural environment suffered unprecedented devastation on people’s psychological and physiological have caused a serious impact. How to reflect the natural, pastoral style in the built environment, to break the isolation of man and nature; how to use the limited space, recreating a microcosm of nature, the organic integration of man, nature and architecture of the Trinity, should be the development of modern environmental design direction. The aesthetic beauty and landscape of modern garden city are provided for this kind of thinking, therefore, from the environment and countryside close to the wind starting to follow the “learning from nature, in the heart of the source” of aesthetic principles in urban architecture, it will become our research and design trends.

Key Words: Pastoral style; small town landscape; planning and design



1 引言 1

2  研究概况 1

2.1概述 1

2.2 国内城市公园景观评价与发展现状 1

2.2.1 国内城市公园景观评价 1

2.2.2 国内城市公园发展现状 2

2.3 国外城市公园景观评价与发展现状 2

2.3.1 国外城市公园景观评价 2

2.3.2 国外城市公园发展现状 3

3  研究对象与研究方法 3

3.1研究对象 3

3.2研究方法 3

3.2.1 文献查阅 3

3.2.2 实地调查 3

3.2.3 问卷调查 3

4  方塔公园景观分析 4

4.1 总体景观分析 4

4.2 典型样点分析 4

4.2.1 北大门入口 5

(1)植物景观 5

(2)空间布局 5

4.2.2 方塔广场 5

(1)建筑景观 5

(2)植物景观 6

4.2.3 林中赏竹亭 7

(1)竹林景观 7

(2)建筑景观 7

4.2.4 临水何陋轩 7

(1)水体景观 7

(2)建筑景观 8

4.2.5 日月湖与亲水坪 8

(1)水体景观 8

(2)草坪景观 8

5  方塔公园景观特色分析 9

5.1 景观主题突出 9

5.2 滨水景观丰富 9

5.3 植物配置合理 10

5.4 景观功能明显 11

6  结论与讨论 12

6.1 结论 12

6.2 讨论 12

参考文献 13

致  谢 14

附录一 15


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