


Abstract: The vertical management system of government is that the central ministries or provincial direct management of local departments that manage the actual place of work of functional departments, and also of “human, financial, material ‘rights, local governments no longer manage local departments. Vertical sector reform in which the audit has become a focus in recent years. Research scholars around the theme very abundant, but for a number of politics-related essay, the international advanced theory and China’s national conditions combined government to explore with Chinese characteristics theory and policy regime is now an urgent task. This article is normative case study research methods, the paper is divided into three parts: The first part explains the meaning of the status quo vertical management system of government audit system at home and abroad, the second part shows the Background of vertical and Government Reform the need for reform implementation, noting that the main problem of the government audit system exists: the lack of independence of the audit results injustice, lack of efficiency audits, etc., and the third section presents suggestions for the future of vertical government audit system reform. Through analysis of relevant research vertical government audit management system, analyzes the current situation of government auditing system, combined with major international state audit system made of the need to reform the audit, and through improving vertical management audit institution superior to optimize evaluation system to increase the transparency of the audit, co-ordinate economic and other local governments to improve the independence of the audit, to improve audit quality.

Keywords: vertical management; government audit; reform











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