摘 要
关键词:区域人口密度;空间分布; GIS;甘肃省
Spatialization of population census data is an effective way to integrate statistical data and natural factors. This paper takes Gansu Province as research unit, simulation of population density in small scale spatial distribution were studied. According to the 2012 population data of Gansu province in May statistical yearbook of statistics, analysis of the township of Gansu province average type index and the index of population density and land use (average height and average slope) correlation. Based on correlation analysis, using GIS software and SPSS statistical software as a tool, using multiple regression theory set up the spatialization of population model, while generating raster population density map of Gansu province 250m*250m spatial resolution. The results show that higher precision, model simulation, the simulation process has strong operability, which can provide reference for the application of county scale population distribution. At the same time, the results for Gansu province to advance a city to change process, and provides a theoretical basis to improve the scientific management of population, resources and environment.
Keywords: regional population density; spatial distribution; GIS; Gansu Province