关键词:危机管理 “7.23”甬温线事故 危机预警
Since the reform and opening up, with the structure transformation system transition and economic growth of various social conflicts accumulation is becoming increasingly conspicuous, a public crisis from time to time, the threat to the social stability, and the government crisis management capacity requirements of increasing in view of this, this article first briefly government crisis management connotation and significance, and then to the 7.23 lukewarm line special major railway accident is analyzed, and then points out that the current government crisis management, the main problems of the present government finally put forward the countermeasures of crisis management, hope to enhance the government crisis management consciousness and ability, the attention and the media cooperation and have set up the characteristics of Chinese government public relations, and promote the harmonious society, is a realistic significance of research into the subject
Keywords: crisis management; 7.23 lukewarm line accident; Crisis warning