







With the rapid development of economic and political democracy, the government should follow the trend of the times, government relations, so as to enhance the government’s image. The government spokesman in the government public relations play an important role, but government spokesman, media literacy is not high, the low level of speech arts, affecting the spread of the effect, you can not communicate with the public good, but lead to a deeper misunderstanding of the public. In view of this, this article first briefly spokesman connotation, and then “7.23” Yong isotherms particularly serious railway accidents and their spokesman went on to say that the problems of government spokesman in crisis management, and finally put forward the government spokesman in the event of crisis response strategies, thereby increasing the level and ability of the press spokesman, improve the image of our government, is of practical significance to the research topic.

Keywords: Government spokesman;”7.23″ incident;Countermeasure


目  录

1 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

1.2  政府发言人的简述

2 “7.23”甬温线特别重大铁路事故分析

2.1 “7.23”甬温线特别重大铁路事故介绍

2.2  “7.23”事故政府发言人情况

3 政府发言人在危机事件处理中的问题

3.1 发言人的水平整体不高

3.2 角色定位不当

3.3 发言时常含糊其词,越说越错

3.4 公关意识与公关能力不强

3.5 发言人的素质有待提高

4 提高政府发言人在危机事件中的应对策略

4.1 准确定位角色

4.2 发言时要讲求艺术

4.3 提高公关意识与能力

4.4 不断提高发言人的素质修养

4.5 完善新闻发言人制度

5 结论




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