摘  要



关键词: 东莞  产业转型  钻石模型;


After China’s reform and opening up, Dongguan economy developed rapidly. The average economy growth is 22% and Dongguan has been the most rapidly developing city. “Dongguan Model” also has been the important reference. However, following with Dongguan’s economy developing, it also under great pressure of industry transformation. This paper takes “Industrial structure theory” and Porter’s “Diamond model theory” as the theory basis, takes USA, Japan and South Korea, Taiwan as the example, and analyzes Dongguan industries’ transformation route, direction and steps. The direction of industrial upgrading and restructuring in Dongguan: first, transformation mode of business production; second, change the direction of foreign investment; third, three industries structure transformation from one two three to three two one. the routes are: pay attention to the cultivation of high-level production factors, including technology and personnel; improve demand conditions, including develop domestic and international marketing channels; develop related and support industries, mainly downstream service industries and industry research cooperation; improve competition environment and force leading enterprise to upgrade; the government should control the overall direction of transformation and economic development opportunities. there are eight specific measures to complete the industrial transformation, including strong supporting policies and measures, focuses on resource optimization and integration, the upgrading of processing trade as the core of industrial transformation and upgrading, and improve government services, greatly enhance the urban environment and optimize the business environment improve the urban ecological environment, strengthen research cooperation, and increase efforts to attract talent and all the people involved in transformation.


Key words: Dongguan  Industries Transformation  Diamond Theory;

目  录

摘  要


1  绪  论

1.1  选题背景和意义

1.2  国内外研究现状

1.3  本文的研究思路和内容

2  国内外产业升级转型实践

2.1  美国产业升级转型的经验

2.2  日本产业升级转型的经验

2.3  韩国产业升级转型的经验

2.4  台湾地区产业升级转型的经验

2.5  国内外产业升级转型实践的启示

3  东莞市产业发展及升级转型的现状

3.1  东莞市经济发展概况

3.2  东莞市产业发展历程与现实基础

3.3  东莞市产业发展的特点

3.4  东莞市产业升级转型的现状

4  东莞市产业升级转型存在的问题及其原因分析

4.1  政府对产业升级转型的推动力不够

4.2  村一级主体对产业升级转型产生抵触情绪

4.3  产业升级转型的质量与效率有待提高

4.4  分散发展的城市模式制约了产业升级转型

4.5  产业升级转型的基础薄弱

4.6  城市美誉度及竞争力不高

5  促进东莞产业升级转型的政策建议

5.1  东莞产业升级转型的方向

5.2  东莞产业升级转型的路径

5.3  产业升级转型的具体政策举措

6  结论和展望

注  释

致  谢



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