摘  要




关键词:东莞 松山湖生物医药科技园  发展现状  有利因素  存在问题


The biomedical industry known as the most potential industry of the 21st century, but also compete for one of the most intense high-tech industries. Practice has proved that the biomedical park is the main carrier of the bio-pharmaceutical industry, for the promotion of bio-pharmaceutical industry and biomedical technology development plays an important role, but also to promote regional economic development. Paper Songshan Lake biomedical science and technology park as the object of empirical analysis. In the dissertation process, establishment of bio-pharmaceutical Technology Park has been the development gains of the development status of biomedical science and technology park in Dongguan Songshan Lake. In addition, papers on the problems Songshanhu biomedical science and technology park development. The main problems of performance: the development of a vague position; rigid management system; lack of innovative ideas; narrow channels of financing; enterprise low correlation; weak industrial base. Finally, the paper presents a strategy to promote the development of the Songshan Lake biomedical science and technology park. Specific strategies include the clear positioning of the development, innovation management system, to encourage the industry to innovate, expand financing channels and the promotion of business exchanges, strengthen government support. All research papers are based on the Songshan Lake biomedical science and technology park, and our actual development of the biomedical park, therefore, the proposed recommendations on the further development of the Songshan Lake biomedical science and technology park with the corresponding reference, has important practical significance.


Keywords: Dongguan; Songshan Lake Biotech Pharmaceutical Industrial Park; Development Situation; Favorable Factors; Problem Analysis;

目  录

摘  要


1  绪  论

1.1  研究背景及意义

1.2  国内外研究综述

1.3  研究内容及创新之处

1.4  论文的技术路线及研究方法

2  东莞松山湖生物医药科技园发展现状

2.1  园区基础设施建设情况

2.2  园区产业发展情况

2.3  园区科研及人才情况

2.4  园区运营管理模式

2.5  园区国际交流合作情况

3  东莞松山湖生物医药科技园发展成就研究

3.1  园区发展宏观环境良好

3.2  园区区域载体优势突出

3.3  园区大量医药类研究人员集聚

3.4  园区生物医药科技创新能力不断增强

3.5  园区生物医药产业链初具雏形

3.6  园区一批企业品牌开始凸显

4  东莞松山湖生物医药科技园发展存在的问题

4.1  发展定位模糊

4.2  管理体制僵化

4.3  缺乏创新理念

4.4  融资渠道狭窄

4.5  企业关联度低

4.6  生物医药基础薄弱

5  促进东莞松山湖生物医药科技园发展的策略

5.1  明晰园区发展定位

5.2  创新管理体制

5.3  鼓励产业创新

5.4  拓宽融资渠道

5.5  加强企业交流


注  释

致  谢



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