






Since2004, Central Government No.1 Documents have taken Agricultural issues as the topic to improve Agricultural economy for 8 years. It reflects the concern of the Chinese Government on China’s rural economy. The last century, the 1990s, China began the implementation of the industrialization of agriculture to promote rural economic development and the improvement of agricultural structure. The industrialization of agriculture has become a major rural reform in China following the household contract responsibility system, the development of township enterprises.

In the past few years, China’s industrialization of agriculture has made ​​certain achievements, there are also many problems. Mudanjiang agricultural industry as the object of study, this paper explores a new form of development of the Mudanjiang agriculture industrialization. After the discussion on general status and characteristics of Mudanjiang agricultural industrialization, the author summarizes the problems in the Mudanjiang agricultural industrialization process, and targeted to build the new shape of the three types of agricultural industrialization, and to propose appropriate measures to ensure the formation of new forms of, promote the development of agricultural industrialization in Mudanjiang. The conclusions are as follow:

Mudanjiang the current status of agricultural industrialization shows the following characteristics: strong potential will affect the ability of the leading enterprises; corporate agricultural interests of the increasingly close links; diversification of agricultural industrialization model; agricultural market share gradually improve. But there is also the following question: Farmers’ Participation in the industrialization of agriculture dependent on the lack of reliable organizations; extremely asymmetric market power of farmers and leading enterprises; agricultural industrial chain node; insufficient number of leading enterprises; government supply of public goods and the insufficient supply of social services products.

After the analysis of the status of development of agricultural industrialization in Mudanjiang area, characteristics, problems, the paper concluded, there are two main outstanding problems existing in the Mudanjiang agricultural industrialization process, a form of organization of the industrialization of agriculture is not perfect, the forms of organization are running inefficiently. From the participation of the principal of the industrialization of agriculture, agricultural industrialization, farmers, professional cooperatives, leading enterprises, as well as three of the mutual interests linking mechanism. This paper attempts to improve the microstructure operation of the main characteristics of the industrialization of agriculture in Mudanjiang, improve the structure of agricultural markets, increase the number of leading enterprises and the economy will bring in three areas, and reshape the new form of agricultural industrialization, and Mudanjiang agricultural industrialization of the new form agricultural industrialization operation mechanism described. This paper designed 3 new forms of the agricultural industrialization, including “organization of agricultural production+enterprises+target consumer market”,” the organization of agricultural production+research unit+enterprise+foreign trade companies” in the form of the international market and domestic market “organization of agricultural production+research unit+enterprises+ the logistics industry+modern commercial form”. How to promote these new forms of formation? In this paper, the following strategies and recommendations: to increase the government’s public goods and social services, the supply of goods; the creation of tourism auxiliary unique brand of agricultural products; strengthen the supervision on the industrialization of the various departments within; close industry, academia, research and economic relevance; effortsthe development of modern logistics industry and modern commerce; based on modern information technology to build a solid platform for development of agricultural industrialization.

Key words: Agricultural Industrialization; Mudanjiang; New Forms



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