目  录



第一章  理论概述

1.1 弱势群体的界定

1.2 弱势群体的特征

1.3 对弱势群体保护的社会意义

第二章  杭州有关弱势群体社会权利保障的现状和问题

2.1 杭州弱势群体社会权利保障的现状

2.1.1 保险业务的现状

2.1.2 住房保障现状

2.1.3 弱势群体学习保障现状

2.1.4 再就业现状

第三章  弱势群体社会保障不足的原因分析

3.1  保障经费投入不足

3.2  保障的立法保护不完善

3.3  弱势群体受教育水平普遍较低

3.4  弱势群体没有政治权和话语权

第四章  完善弱势群体社会保障制度的对策建议

4.1  加大对弱势群体社会保障的投入

4.2  完善对弱势群体社会保障的立法和政策保护

4.3  尽快完善弱势群体社会保险体系

4.4  加强弱势群体的基础教育、职业培训

4.5  引入弱势群体参政











At present, the weak group has already become in China has become China’s social groups of a scale powerful group, this group and the formation of the current situation of the development, restricted greatly in the people’s response to the call of the communist party of China, constructing the harmonious society’s goal.This paper the vulnerable groups in hangzhou city social security problems in the survey of the major from three blocks to analyze this theme: first is the theme to the disadvantaged groups of related concept mentioned the theoretical height were introduced, for the writing of the subsequent laid a solid theoretical foundation, the second is to explore the detailed vulnerable groups hangzhou in social security on the one hand, the present situation, finally the social status of hangzhou reflected in many of the problems come out, to carry on the analysis and exploration, and according to the questions of solving these problems specific and effective measures and the current our country to how to perfect the complete social security system, and how to solve Chinese social disadvantaged groups on the importance of the problem of thorough analysis


Key words: Maintenance; Vulnerable groups. Social security; right


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