目 录
摘 要:改革开放以来,我国城市住宅建设快速发展,城市居民住房条件得到较大改善,但我国低收入家庭住房支付能力不足的问题愈显突出,成了政府需要解决的一项重大问题。随之廉租房问世,从提出廉租房至今已经有十多年的时间,但在这十多年里廉租房的建设却不尽人意,并没有很大程度上满足众多居民的住房需求。文章对廉租房的建设进行了较深入的分析,阐述了我国廉租房建设中存在的问题,并根据我国现阶段的实际情况,对廉租房建设提出了一些对策和思考。
Abstract:Since reform and opening up the rapid development of China’s urban housing, urban housing conditions have been greatly improved, but China’s low-income families housing problem of insufficient capacity to pay has become more prominent, and became the government needs to solve a major problem. Then low-cost housing available, from the low-rent housing and has eleven years of the time, but in the eleven years of building low-cost housing is unsatisfactory, and not to a large extent to meet the housing needs of many residents. The article on building low-cost housing have been more in-depth analysis on China’s low-cost housing construction problems, and in accordance with the actual situation of our country at this stage of the construction of low-cost housing made a number of response and reflection.
Keyword:Low-cost housing construction;Housing security ;Low-income people