目 录
(一)我国行政事业单位内部控制的缺陷和薄弱环节 9
五、改进我国行政事业单位内部控制监控机制的建议 11
(一)完善内部监督机制 11
参考文献 13
【摘要】 行政事业单位在我国社会经济中起着主导和领导的作用,但由于行政事业单位其性质的特殊性,在单位业务管理控制、决策控制、内部控制监督、内部审计机构等方面目前存在着诸多问题,有待改进和完善。与国外的政府内部控制现状相比,存在着很大的落后和差距,从而导致经济上也出现了一定程度上的差距,所以要解决并改善这一现状,是刻不容缓的。本文探究我国行政事业单位内部控制中存在的薄弱环节及其存在的原因,以其监控机制为重点,提出相关的改进建议,致力于建立健全的行政事业单位的内部控制体系。
【关键词】 行政事业单位 内部控制 监控机制
A Study on the Internal Control and Monitoring Mechanism of Administrative Institutions in China
Abstract:However, due to the particularity of the nature of the administrative institutions, there are still many problems in the unit management control, decision control, internal control supervision and internal audit institution. At present, there are many problems in the administrative and public institutions, To be improved and improved. Compared with the foreign government’s internal control situation, there is a big lag and gap, which led to the corresponding economic gap, so to solve and improve the status quo, without delay. This paper explores the weak links in the internal control of administrative institutions and the reasons for its existence. Based on the monitoring mechanism, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the internal control system of our administrative institutions.
Keywords:Administrative institutions,Internal Control,Monitoring mechanism