


摘  要







China since the founding of the nation has been to two yuan for the development pattern, our country peasant population cardinal number is large, long-term since lack of government and collective social security, rural residents in the medical and health aspects of the weak phenomenon, rural residents’ medical difficulties, a higher cost of the problem has become an indisputable fact, rural cooperative medical is modern new social situation in China under the background of the Party Central Committee in order to solve this problem, improving their level of health protection and taken a major move, the implementation of the policy of new rural cooperative medical system is the fundamental purpose of improving their due to weak capacity to pay and the emergence of the poverty due to illness, the phenomenon that return deficient due to illness. But in the discovery in investigation, rural cooperative medical in specific practice, but also exposed many problems, we need to analyze these problems, targeted to take some measures, can better and improve the development of new rural cooperative medical security system, thereby increasing the participation rate, expand cooperation medical insurance fund-raising level of cooperative medical care system, will gradually become a cover all peasants of the social medical insurance system, to ensure the long-term development of cooperative medical care.


Key words: new rural cooperative medical system; farmer; infrastructure; Participation

目  录




















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