

摘要: 随着社会网络技术的发展和进步,餐饮业跨入了网络电子的新时代,本文对餐饮业电子商务的应用和发展趋势进行了分析和介绍。网络的迅速普及和电子商务的快速发展已经改变了传统的经济管理模式,应用电子商务可以有效地把它们结合起来,大家可以一起共享信息。随着电子商务的越来越普及化,在连锁供应理论以及其特点的基础上,未来中国的餐饮业必将建立起一个连锁的供应管理模式,这将对中国餐饮业未来的发展带来不可估量的意义。




The E-commerce in Chinas Catering Application and Developing Tendency

Abstract: With the social development of network technology, catering industry crossed into a new era of network E-commerce, this paper analyzes and introduces the application and developing tendency of China’s catering. The rapid development of Internet technique has changed the existing pattern and management mechanism for the traditional economic activity, while the application of E-commerce could connect every business link effectively, and carry out the integration and sharing of business and information. In the future, a perfect supply chain management mode of catering chain industry with the aid of electronic commerce will be established. It is based on the supply chain theory and characteristic of catering chain industry, which could have great significance for China’s catering development.

Key words:  E-commerce;catering chain industry;application; chain management



  1. Introduction
  2. General Analysis of E-commerce

2.1 Definition

2.2 Features

2.3 Benefits

  1. The Current Situation of China’s Catering
  2. E-commerce Application in China’s Catering

4.1 Problems in the Application

4.2 The Application

  1. The Developing Tendency of E-commerce inChina’s Catering
  2. 6. Conclusion

Works Cited



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