[摘要] 纵观2010年和2011年网络,最热门的名词无非是微博和团购。如今,多方学者都在研究如何将微博和团购联系起来,发展微博团购。本文在前人研究的基础上,对微博团购进行了SWOT分析,针对当前微博团购运营准入门槛低、消费者权利有时受到侵害以及网络团购缺乏监管等问题,提出了自己的想法,包括合理定位微博团购的市场位置,注重网站建设的内容,增加微博团购中举办方和用户之间的互动,利用好微博数据分析等,进而促进微博团购的快速发展。
Micro-blog group purchase mode research
Abstract:Throughout 2010 and 2011 network, the most popular term is nothing more than Twitter and buy. Today, the multi-scholars are studying how to micro-blog and buy up the development of micro-blog buy. On the basis of previous research that exists today micro-blog buy mode analysis, summarize the advantages and disadvantages of proposed buy operations of the current micro-blog low barriers to entry, consumer rights sometimes are violated and buy sometimes fail their own ideas, including reasonable position micro-blog buy market position, focus on the construction site content, increase the micro-blog buy organize the interaction between the parties and users, good micro-blog data analysis, thus contributing to the micro-blog group fast developments.
Key words:Micro-blog;group;mode;network marketing
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