







China is entering the aging society gradually, more and more early widowed elderly choose in later remarried so as to obtain the life and the spirit of cooperation. However, it also leads to many complex legal issues, especially the issue of inheritance.

To solve the problems of the elderly who property inheritance, first from the remarried into new increase in the joint property of husband and wife in half as one side of the heritage; remarried before personal property belonging to the estate. All the heritage of old people, not only will the statutory succession, common inherited by their parents, remarriage after the wife and children, the statutory successors first in order. The share of inheritance and method, can solve the principle of negotiation to take care of no ability to work the heir.

This leads to practical problems through the real case, to explore the succession after the death of the elderly remarriage, a detailed analysis of the property remarried spouse the elderly, the elderly who can inherit property, how to inherit the remarriage of older people how to avoid property disputes and remarried property inheritance note etc.. And put forward own suggestion. Married elderly people only know their rights, so as to avoid inheritance disputes, also can be in dispute occurs in the use of legal means to protect their legitimate rights and interests are not infringed.

And through the analysis of actual case remarried old property inheritance problems of misunderstanding.


Keywords: Inheritance of property disputes; misunderstanding;





摘要 I


第1章 问题的提出 3

第2章 论文主体 4

2.1老年人再婚财产继承案例(从案例中引出实际问题) 4

2.2老年人的财产再婚配偶能否继承 5

2.3老年人再婚财产如何继承 6

2.4老年人再婚如何避免财产纠纷 6

2.4.1 签订婚前财产协议 7

2.4.2 确定共同财产份额 8

2.4.3 公证遗嘱 8

2.5 再婚财产继承注意事项 10

2.5.1 析出婚前财产 10

2.5.2 确定共同财产 12

2.5.3 按继承法顺序继承,遗赠抚养协议、遗嘱继承、法定继承 12

第3章 结论 14

第4章 参考文献 15


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