目 录
[摘要] 对于正当防卫与防卫过当的区别问题,学者已经对此研究的比较透彻。但在司法实践中,故意伤害的案件通常伴随着双方的互相打斗。被告人是出于防卫意识而进行反击,还是出于侵害对方的意图而进行打斗,一直以来在界定上都是一个难题。笔者拟结合法院司法实践中遇到的一些实际案例,对防卫过当与正当的区别,以及防卫过当的相关处罚问题进行研究,以实际的案例进行分析。
[关键词] 防卫过当;定罪;量刑
[Abstract]for self-defense and excessive defense when the difference problem, scholars have studied a thorough comparison. But in the judicial practice, intentional injury cases usually accompanied by both fight each other. If the defendant is defence consciousness and to fight back, or for the purpose of fighting against each other, has been in the definition is a difficult problem. The author intends to combine the Institute of judicial practice in some practical cases, and due to the defense when the difference, and the defense when the relevant punishment were studied, the actual case analysis.
[Key words]self-defense; convicted sentencing;