

摘  要:劳动监察执法过程中还存在着很多执法的现实障碍,执法的现状已不尽如人意,一些影响执法的现实问题尚亟待解决。如执法趋利化,职能部门执法功能的缺位,权利本位与人治观念的思想,由此引发了很多社会矛盾。本文根据这些存在的问题进行详细的分析,做出相应的对策,如创新执法监督机制,要加强责任意识,实施责任执法,同时实现思想观念上的转变。





Abstract: Labor inspection law enforcement process still exists many law enforcement of the realistic barrier, the present situation of the law enforcement has not like person meaning, some influence the reality of law enforcement problems remain to be solved. Such as law enforcement QuLiHua, functional departments and the absence of the law enforcement functions, right standard and the concept of man, which caused a lot of social contradictions. In this paper, according to the existing problem of detailed analysis, and makes the corresponding countermeasures, such as innovation law enforcement supervision mechanism, and to strengthen the sense of responsibility, the implementation of the law enforcement responsibility, and realize the change of the idea.



Key words: labor law enforcement, obstacles, Idea idea,Responsibility supervision mechanism


目  录

1  引言

2  劳动执法的发展现状

3  劳动执法的现实障碍

3.1 执法趋利化

3.2 职能部门执法功能缺位

3.3 权力本位和人治观念

4  劳动执法现实障碍的解决对策

4.1 创新执法监督机制

4.2 强化责任意识,实行责任执法

4.3 实现思想观念的转变

结  论


致  谢


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