[摘 要] 家庭暴力应从“家庭”和“暴力”两个方面入手,家庭暴力是指行为人以殴打、绑、残害、强行限制人身自由或者其他手段,给其家庭成员的身体、精神等方面造成一定伤害后果的行为。目前我国家庭暴力层次多样,手段残忍,施暴人和受害人类型、数量逐年增多,现有的家庭暴力规制体系已经无法应对家庭暴力新型情况的出现,当代家庭暴力案件的复杂性呼吁反家庭暴力新型径路的开拓。美国反家庭暴力“社区为本”的处理模式科学有效对我国具有重要的借鉴意义。“中国式”家庭暴力社区干预体系的构建势在必行。
[关键词] 家庭暴力;立法现状;社区干预
The community intervention on family violence
Abstract: Defining of domestic violenee from “family” and ”violence” two aspects,domestic violence is beating,binding,foreedrestriction of personal freedom or other means for their family members,the physical,the mental,and causes certain harm consequenses. At present, the levels of domestic violence in China is varietious,the means is more cruel and the type and number of violent people and victims is largerer year after year. The existing domestic violence regulation system has been unable to respond to domestic violence in new circumstances. The complexity of contemporary domestic violence cases calls the exploration of anti-domestic violence new path. Based ” community ” ,the American anti-domestic violence mode is scientific and effective.And to our country,it has important significance.Community intervention in Chinese anti-domestic violence should be in construction at the first time.
Keywords: Domestic Violence; Present Condition of Lawmaking; Community intervention
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