目  录






























关键词:市场经济   价格垄断协议   法律规制         



In accordance with market economy rules and law of value, the price is the core of the market economy, competition is the soul of the market economy. Without competition, there is no market a reasonable price formation and run, there is no social resources disposition and the vitality of enterprises, and there is no perfect mature market economy. Competitors often use the price monopoly agreement on price monopoly. This article through to the price monopoly agreements related problem analysis, this paper expounds the problems, the first to determine the price monopoly, monopoly prices on the reasons of the existence of the dangers of existence and price monopoly is discussed, and for the determination of monopoly prices from five aspects, and the reason for the existence of the price of monopoly is from the economies of scale need, control scarce natural resources and have caused by the exclusive rights to produce goods and three are analyzed. For the price of this article from harm monopoly in three aspects: the price monopoly directly hurt market, price monopoly make consumers at loss and price monopoly on social damage. Through the above three big problem, this article has discussed the clear price monopoly foundation theory. Then this paper price monopoly agreement of the determination and immunity after this article price monopoly agreement to the type of legal regulations and summarized analysis, this paper summarizes the three kinds of price monopoly agreement type: limit the price competition monopoly agreements, abuse of dominant market position price behavior and abuse administrative power of discriminatory price behavior, the development of the market economy in our country is facing the problem of monopoly, should take measures to solve these problems, so clearly this paper research task. Finally, this paper to guard against price monopoly measures, this paper puts forward some Suggestions: play to the government departments to the intervention of the price monopoly effect, formulate the antitrust legislation “, strengthening the government price departments to the activities of the supervision and focus on price to eliminate the administrative monopoly. Through this paper discusses more determined price monopoly is the great enemy of the market competition, in order to better development of market economy, the state economic legislation to strengthen the basis against monopoly, protect the competition, make prices in the open, fair and just market competition to form. In this paper, the hair LongDuanFa prohibited in the monopoly of the agreement, this paper analyzed this paper humble opinion, hope to jointly study the issues the benefit to the people.

Key wordsmarket economy, price monopoly agreements, legal regulation


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