目  录







1 劳动关系三方协商机制简述

2 我国劳动关系三方协商机制的产生与发展

3 我国劳动关系三方协商机制存在的问题

3.1 国有企业体制改革中劳动关系的“群体性”矛盾增多

3.2 非公有制企业的劳资矛盾日趋加剧


4.1 劳动协商机制缺少应有的法律支撑

4.2 两大主体尚不具备承接自主协商的能力

4.3 政府过多干预导致“政府失灵

5 相关对策建议

5.1 完善立法,实现三方协商机制法制化

5.2 拓宽范围,扩大三方协商机制覆盖面

5.3 充实内容,提高三方协商机制的实效性

5.4 准确定位,充分发挥三方各自应有的作用

5.5 健全规则,使三方协商机制有序运行

6 结论


致 谢 16









Abstract: Labor relations in the three party consultation mechanism are the adjustment of labor relations, to promote harmonious and stable labor relations and effective way. The labor relations in our country three party consultation mechanism due to create a relatively short time, there are still some not just as one wishes. In this paper, combined with the actual situation in China, introduce the three party consultation mechanism of generation and development, and pointed out that the current three party consultation mechanism existing problems, and from the three party consultation mechanism, main body construction organizations at all levels and promote the construction and the operation method, put forward the suggestions and ideas, to elucidate the perfect three party consultation mechanism of train of thought, put forward the coordination of labor relations in the three party consultation mechanism, on the formation of normative and orderly, fair and reasonable, mutual benefit and win-win, harmonious and stable new labor relations is of great significance.

Keywords: labor relations, consultation mechanism, perfecting the legislation, economic system.


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