摘 要
商品房预售是一种具有国家干预性的附期限交易行为,关系到房地产市场发展的稳定,但是商品房的预售在我国刚刚起步,相关法律法规还很不完善,因此有必要加强对预售商品房相关法律问题的探讨。本文分为三部分,主要是阐释商品房预售的基本概念、法律性质,分析了在预售过程中存在的问题并提出了对策。第一部分阐释了商品房预售的基本理论概述; 第二部分商品房预售的法律性质,主要从商品房预售是一种附期限的交易行为和商品房的预售具有较强的国家于预性两个方面的性质进行的分析;第三部分提出商品房预售的几个问题及对策,包括预售合同内容的法律规范问题,对商品房预收款的管理问题,对收取预售款的程序、额度及使用管理、监督及法律规范问题,对预售商品房的再转让及抵押问题,并提出了通过法律予以确立和完善的解决的措施。希望对探讨商品房预售方面的问题有所裨益。
【关键词】 商品房 预售问题 法律思考
The advance sale of commercial housing is a kind of state intervention of time of transactions, related to the real estate market development and stability, to solve development to build the inadequacy of capital plays an important role in. But the sale of commercial housing in China has just started, the related laws and regulations are not perfect, so it is necessary to enhance the sale of commercial housing on the relevant legal issues.
This paper is divided into three parts, mainly is the commercial housing sale concept, legal nature and in the sale process problems and countermeasures are analyzed in detail:
The first part of the advance sale of commercial housing the basic theory is outlined, in understanding the pre-sale of commercial housing on the basis of the concept, in-depth understanding of the advance sale of commercial housing the existence of their own characteristics;
The second part of the legal nature of commercial housing pre-sale, mainly from the sale of commercial housing is a time of the transaction and the sale of commercial housing has a strong country in the two aspects of the nature of the analysis;
The third part of the advance sale of commercial housing problems and countermeasures, including pre-sale contract content of the issue of legal norms, commercial housing advance receipts management issues, to the collection Yushoukuan procedures, line and use management, supervision and legal norms, the sale of commercial housing to transfer and mortgage problems, and put forward through the law establish and perfect the measures to solve. We hope to explore the advance sale of commercial housing problems help.
[Keywords]: Commercial housing presale issues; legal thinking
目 录