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(三) 其他预防性标准











联军对利比亚的空袭,看似 “堂而皇之”地执行 《联合国第 1973 号决议》,以保护利比亚平民不受伤害,但实际行动却违背了该决议的初衷和精神。冲突各方在军事攻击的同时,亦在进行着政治和法律的博弈,该过程中既有对国际法的善意尊重,也有对国际法的恶意利用,但无论博弈的结果如何,“条约必须被遵守”这一国际法的基本原则却不




   关键词:利比亚危机 国际法 主权 合法性



    Abstract: The interior is the concept of sovereignty in specific application must have an important concept, is the Sovereign must include an aspect. Using the concept of sovereignty in international law, need to address one of the issues is autonomous, and the interior is closely linked with the concept of autonomy. Autonomous state is not subordinate to any foreign and native affairs in its own way of governance, interior is defined in a national autonomous affairs within the scope of international law, i.e. files commonly used by the domestic jurisdiction.””. Due to internal affairs and mutual concerns the sovereignty, international law and development, have very important sense. Accordingly, should strengthen pair of international law on the problems such as the judgment standard, the right of judgement and so on.

Allied air strike against Libya, seemingly” stately” implementation” of UN resolution 1973rd”, Libya to protect civilians from harm, but actions against the resolution of the mind and spirit. The parties to the conflict in the military attack at the same time, also in the politics and law in the process of game, both for the international law kindness respect, but also on the international law of malicious use, but no matter how the outcome of the game,” the treaty must be abided by” the fundamental principle of international law is not changed, international the order of law will be in shock and challenge in the development of.



   Key Words:  The Libya crisis; international law; sovereignty; legitimacy


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