


Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………1

Key words ……………………………………………………………………………1

一、《劳动合同法》对竞业限制条款的规定 ………………………………………2

二、《劳动合同法》中竞业限制的缺陷分析 ………………………………………3

(一) 竞业限制在期限的规定上不够细致 …………………………………………3

(二) 竞业限制关于补偿金与违约金的标准规定的不明确 ………………………4

(三) 竞业限制经济补偿金的支付方法不够灵活 …………………………………4

(四) 劳动者在支付了违约金后未明确规定是否继续履行竞业限制条款 ………5

(五) 用人单位在滥用解雇权时竞业限制协议的效力不明确 ……………………6







参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………10





摘  要: 新的《劳动合同法》出于对知识型经济时代下的商业秘密的保护,首次在劳动法律中引入了关于竞业限制的条款,与该法整体保护劳动者合法利益的立法基调不同,竞业限制条款的设立在于保护用人单位作为商业秘密权利人的权益,通过一系列细致的权利配置,实现用人单位与劳动者双方的利益平衡。文章结合我国的《劳动合同法》,对其新规定的竞业限制条款进行浅析。本文共分为三部分,第一部分简单阐述了《劳动合同法》对竞业限制的规定;第二部分是对竟业限制条款的缺陷进行的探讨;第三部分则是针对条款的缺陷进而提出的个人建议以及具体可行措施。

关键词: 劳动合同法  竞业限制  商业秘密  利益平衡




Abstract: The new” labor contract law” for the era of knowledge-based economy under the commercial secret protection, for the first time in labor law about non-competition clause was introduced, and the method of overall protection of the legitimate interests of the legislative different tone, non-competition clause lies in the establishment of the employer as commercial secret protection of the rights of human rights, through a series of careful allocation of rights, realization of the employing units and workers on both sides of the balance of interests. The combination of China’s” labor contract law”, the new provisions of the non-competition clauses of, this paper is divided into three parts. the first part briefly explains the” labor contract law” on the non-competition provisions; the second part of the limited competition in terms of the defects were discussed; third part is aimed at in terms of the defects and puts forward personal advice and specific and feasible measures.

Key words: Labor contract law ;Competitive business limit ;Commercial secrets ;Interests balance


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