
摘  要:众所周知,民以食为天,因此食品关系到人们的身体健康,事关千千万万人的生命安全。当今人类已经进入了一个崭新时代,不仅具有较高的生产力、发达的科技文化,而且经济繁荣昌盛、信息交流频繁。随着科学技术的进步,我国不断满足人们对食品数量的需求,食品安全问题却不断浮出水面,餐桌污染的不断扩散和食物中毒事件接连发生,食品质量问题严重影响着人民生活水平的提高,危及人类健康和生命安全。食品安全问题已成为近年的热议话题。本文论述了我国目前食品安全的现状并分析了产生食品安全问题的原因。食品出现安全问题,法律规制作为保障食品安全的一种手段肯定有不足或漏洞,因此本文接着探讨了食品安全法律规制手段的漏洞并提出了弥补漏洞的几点措施,希望对探讨食品安全方面的问题有所辅助。



关键词:食品安全  现状  漏洞  法律规制




As is known to all, the people, so food related to people’s physical health, is ten million people’s life safety. Today’s human beings have entered a new era, not only has high productivity, developed science and technology culture, and economic prosperity, information exchanges frequently. With the development of scientific technology, our country continues to meet the needs of the number of people on food, food safety problems are constantly emerging, table pollution diffusion and constantly food poisoning happened on, food quality problem seriously influenced the improvement of people’s living standard, endangering human health and life safety. Food safety has become a topic of hot debate in recent years. This paper discusses the present situation of food safety and food safety analysis result the reasons of the problems. Food safety problems appear, legal regulation as guarantee food security must have a means of insufficient or holes, so this paper then discusses food safety laws regulating methods of the hole and puts forward some measures for vulnerabilities, and I hope to discuss the problem of food safety has auxiliary.



KEY WORD:food safety, the present situation, the loophole, legal regulation










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