摘    要










The machine is designed to cater to the characteristics of Chinese food, rich in content, convenient and quick. Chinese food reflects the Chinese people’s diet and cultural traditions, it and the rest of the world than cooking, there are many unique features. Flavor variety. Vast Chinese nation, because each district climate, abundant, differences in customs, since ancient times, Chinese food on the formation of many different cuisines.

The four seasons are different. The seasons of the year, according to season and allocation of food, Chinese cuisine is the main feature of. China has been followed by seasonal seasoning, garnish, winter taste strong, light and cool in summer. In winter many stewed braised, Xia Duo cold frozen. Various vegetables are four turnover, timely.

Pay attention to food beauty. Pay attention to food color, fragrance, taste, shape, coordinated. Pay attention to the taste. Chinese cuisine since ancient times, pay attention to the taste of interest, not only for dim sum meal color, flavor and taste, shape, and quality, nutrition has strict requirements, but also in the dishes naming, tasteful manner, timing, rhythm, when dining entertainment interspersed are elegant, novel, funny scene.

Key words:The machine; humanized; convenient


目  录

引    论 1

(一)背景和趋势 1

(二)研究方法 1

一、市场调研 1

(一)国际家电形势 1

(二)国际现有家电情况 2

(三)人群健康状况 2

(四)人群生活状况 2

二、现有产品分析 2

(一)现有产品工作原理 3

(二)现有产品造型趋势 3

(三)现有产品色彩形式 2

(四)现有产品材料工艺 2


三、结合毕业设计的研究 4

(一)菜谱机造型设计 5

(二)菜谱机色彩设计 5

(三)菜谱机材料应用 6

结  语 7

主要参考文献 8

致  谢 9


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