摘 要
随着科技的发展,生活质量的提高,消费者的需求更加多样化。自行车从1818年诞生开始,就没有停止过发展的脚步,现在已经演变为十几类造型、功能不同的自行车。消费者对自行车的需求也从原来单一的城市代步,发展到现在娱乐、休闲、健身、竞技、收藏等各式各样的需求。 自行车产业发展日新月异,技术和设计与上世纪八十年代之前相比有了很大提高,如今自行车企业越来越重视产品的个性化。自行车涂装设计直接影响着自行车给人的第一印象,因此,自行车涂装设计就显得十分重要了。文章对自行车涂装设计中中国传统元素的应用进行了研究,将中国传统元素应用于现代自行车涂装设计,使之更具有中国味,符合中华民族审美观。文章首先对自行车涂装的课题背景及意义进行了阐述,然后对中国传统元素进行了概述,进而研究中国传统元素与现代自行车涂装设计之间的关系,最后一部分对自行车涂装设计的工艺进行了探索与研究,并总结出中国传统元素自行车涂装设计的方法,对我国自行车涂装设计本土化有着重要的现实意义。
With the development of science and technology, the improvement of life quality, more diversified consumer demand.Bike was born in 1818, has not stopped the steps of development, now has evolved into a dozen such modelling, the function of different bikes.Consumer demand for bicycle also from the original single city walking, development to the present entertainment, leisure, fitness, sports, collecting all kinds of needs.Bicycle industry development with each passing day, technology and design have greatly improved compared to before the 1980 s, and now bicycle enterprises pay more and more attention to personalized products.Bicycle coating design directly affects the bike first impression to the person, as a result, the bicycle coating design becomes very important.Article the application of traditional Chinese elements in the design of bicycle coating was studied, and the Chinese traditional elements used in the design of the modern bicycle coating, with Chinese taste, make it more accords with the aesthetic view of the Chinese nation.Topic background and significance of this paper for bicycle coating are expounded, then the Chinese traditional elements were summarized, and research the Chinese traditional elements and modern bicycle coating, the relationship between the design of the last part of the bicycle coating design process to carry on the exploration and research, and sums up the methods of Chinese traditional elements bicycle coating design, bicycle coating design localization in China has important practical significance.
Key words:The bike;The coating;process
目 录