[摘要] 在最近几季的时装流行趋势中,有一点我们很难忽略:那就是复古设计潮流的周而复始二迷你风、军装风、哥特风、宫廷风古典主义,自然主义.浪漫主义……由此可见复古怀旧之风几乎年年盛行创以乎成了设计师无穷无尽设计灵感的来源。有这么一种说法:‘’在时尚界存在这样一个莱佛法则,即:1年前的流行是丑陋5年前的流行是滑稽10年前的流行是有趣20年前的流行便是经典。“莎士比亚也说过“经典是永远的时髦。“所以,“复古“这个词便常常出现在时尚的字典里.成为时尚中很难摒弃的部分。
[ Abstract ]
In recent seasons fashion trends, we are a little difficult to ignore : that is a retro design trend go round and begin again two mini wind, uniform wind, Gothic, wind of palace of classical, romantic naturalism … … This shows Vintage wind almost annual prevalence with almost become inexhaustible source of inspiration for designers to design. There is a saying: ‘ ‘ in the fashion world the existence of such a lay Buddhist, namely:1 years ago, the popular5 years ago is ugly pop is a10 years ago is popular for fun20 years ago is the classic pop. ” Shakespeare also said” classic is always fashionable. ” So,” retro” this word often appears in the fashion dictionary. Become fashion is difficult to abandon part.
Key words: retro fashion makeup
关键词:复古风 风潮 妆容