摘 要
婚礼包装是从广告学里延伸出来的概念,包装全称包装sual Identity.即视觉形象识别,是企业形象系统的重要组成部分。随着社会的发展,各种媒体的急速膨胀,传媒途径不一而足,受众面对大量繁杂的信息,变得无所适从,包装的概念也就应运而生,统一的、集中的包装设计传播个性和身份的识别,因此也显得尤为重要。婚礼包装只是将这个概念运用到一场婚礼当中,简单的说,就是为新人策划量身定做出主题婚礼的LOGO,根据新人的职业、兴趣、爱好、特点、属相、品味,专门设计只属于新人的标志LOGO,从而把这个LOGO贯穿到婚礼的每个细节当中去,迎宾、礼品、喜糖贴、喜糖盒、请帖、桌卡、背景、路引、瓶贴…… 让来宾对婚礼印象深刻,产生与众不同的可辨别性。
关键词:婚庆 包装设计 色彩 包装结构
Wedding is the concept of extending out from the advertising, of the full name of the Identity sual sual image recognition is an important part of the corporate image system. With the development of society, the rapid expansion of various media, the way the media and so forth, and the audience to face a lot of complicated information, become a loss, the concept of also came into being, a unified, centralized design dissemination of personality and recognition of identity and, therefore, is particularly important. Wedding only use this concept to a wedding, simple, and is tailored for the couple planning the theme of the wedding logo, new career, interests, hobbies, characteristics, sign of the Zodiac, the taste, belongs only to specially designed new sign of lOGO, the LOGO throughout every detail of the wedding, welcome, gifts, candy, stickers, candy boxes, in tations, table cards, background, route guide, bottle of paste … so that guests of the wedding impression deep, distinctive identifiable.
Key words: graphic design design text image relationship
目 录
摘要 ……………………………
Abstract ……………………………
1 设计的背景………………
1.1 设计的目的……………………………………
1.2 设计的主要内容………………………
1.3 设计的创新点………………
2 婚庆包装设计市场的调查分析 ……………………………………………
2.1 主流消费群的特点 ……………………………
2.2 色彩在婚庆包装设计中运用的调查 ……………………………
2.3 婚庆包装设计中图形的运用调查……………………………
2.4 保健品包装设计中材料运用的调查 ……………………………
3包装设计中的变化与统一 ……………………………
4.1 设计依据………………………………
4.2 设计理念与设计定位……………………………