摘 要
this article mainly from the Shanghai style restoring ancient ways overview, Shanghai style restoring ancient ways of textile products for the design and development of aesthetic significance of analysis, Shanghai style restoring ancient ways in the reflection of home textile, Shanghai style restoring ancient ways textile development tendency and the practical significance four parts were discussed.
The first part of Shanghai style restoring ancient ways is reviewed, mainly analysis the Shanghai style of aesthetic features, Shanghai style restoring ancient ways is the home of home textile socialization reaction aesthetic appeal and for mass acceptance and love of the style of home textile, material and colour aesthetic, fresh, beautiful, and people in the audience of the hot home textile, reflects the mainstream consumer and fashionable home textile culture. The second part of Shanghai style restoring ancient ways of textile products for the aesthetic significance of design and development, analyzes the aesthetic style of textile products for the art reflects and discussed, discusses the Shanghai style restoring ancient ways in modern home textile products in the design, development and application, using reasonable configuration and aesthetic rule style combined spins the aesthetic style, clever processing color, line the different style such as aesthetic contrast and changes, the harmonious unity create a contrast and the diversification of both unity of life atmosphere, so as to create a very colorful rich angry, the wonderful style aesthetic space. The third part of the analysis of style restoring ancient ways in the Shanghai home textile reflect, from the color aesthetics, function effect and form of beauty, beautiful and elegant modelling and rich aesthetic means material, give a person with beautiful enjoyment, people by choosing a set of fine Shanghai home textile restoring ancient ways, through the production process, the selection of materials, the rationality of the structure, etc, examines, evaluation and observed, so as to achieve the psychological and emotional communication and harmony. The fourth part is Shanghai style restoring ancient ways textile development tendency and the practical significance, with the development of science and technology of home textile production technology advances, designers are more concerned about the home textile product art expression, reflect and meet the demand of the human emotions Shanghai home textile products in the area of design restoring ancient ways is gradually apparent, restore ancient ways to the style of the Shanghai home textile market will become to be bestowed favor on newly.
Key words: Shanghai style restoring ancient ways; Home textile; Meaning; trend
目 录
摘 要
第一节 美食造型家纺概述 ……………………………………………………..… (1)
第二节 美食造型设计的定义…………………………………………………………(1)
第一节 美食造型家纺产品的发展现状………………………………………………. (2)
第二节 美食造型家纺产品发展的趋势……………………………………………….(2)
第一节 美食造型家纺中的色彩效果…………………………………………………. (2)
第二节 色彩对美食造型家纺产品的情感表达………………………………………….(3)
第一节 美食造型家纺的形式美感……………………………………………………. (4)
第二节 美食造型家纺的审美传达……………………………………………………..(5)
第五章 美食造型纺织品的人文意义………………………………………………(6)
第一节 美食造型纺织品中的造型文化………………………………… ……………(6)
第二节 美食造型家纺产品中的人文精神……………………………………………(7)