







Discuss the characteristics of the song dynasty culture to draw


    Abstract:Song dynasty is an unprecedented and made great achievements in ancient painting art of the period, the royal pack hall wall act the role ofing to huamei, song played important roles in the noble art, is also the current mainstream celebrities struggled to collect.Many letters, song dynasty is a cultural background of the era,emerged a large number of skilled men, there is as many as one hundred people could textual research,such as the northern song dynasty Yi Yuanji,Wu Yuanyu,huang ju ,Cui Bai,zhao changhui,Mao Song of the southern song dynasty, Mao Yi,Li Linchun,AnZhong,liddy each have unique notions of expertise in art.So in Chinese painting history, song dynasty is an era of extremely critical, especially in northern song dynasty literati paintings,the most famous is of epoch-making significance.Painting and painting aesthetics in the song dynasty is very prosperous,also often struggle between painting,the artist as an emerging painting group,their painting aesthetics ideology not only the impact of the song dynasty imperial court decorative painting painters aesthetic thought,become the mainstream of The Times, and for the development of the theory of later generations of literati paintings and literati paintings,also had a profound impact.The main features of song dynasty paintings are: focus on freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting,whether in shape;With simple generation,advocate plain;Memories with shape and spirit;To show the book to write a book.

KeywordsThe song dynasty literati;draw;art




目  录


第一章 绪论

1.1 文人画的概述

1.2 文人画的发展

第二章 宋代文人画的分析

第三章 宋代文人画艺术特点分析

3.1 注重写意,不拘于形

3.2 以简代繁,主张平淡

3.3 形神情思兼备

3.4 以书入画,以画写书

总  结

致  谢



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