摘 要:随着时代发展,人类生活变得丰富多彩,对物质文化的要求要逐步提高,对书籍的追求不再是用以阅读,更注重书籍形态的升华。因此而产生了概念书籍设计这一副产设计学,概念书籍设计的研究是以人为核心,以信息交流为最终目的,是一种充分体现书籍内涵、形态令人耳目一新、创意独具个性的书籍设计形式。概念书籍设计是对书籍进行深刻的、本质的、前卫的、探索性的物质形态再现的视觉艺术研究;是对未来书籍设计的一种探索,是一门能训练设计师将思维总结的创造性转换成书籍形态的启迪式的设计课题。人的一生与自然界有着千丝万缕的关联,自然界中万物有灵,“植言植语”书籍通过提取自然界植物元素,融入书籍设计当中,从而达到令人在阅读中身临其境的体验自然的神秘,从而回归自然。
Introduction to “plant words plant words” book design
Abstract:With the development of era, human life rich and colorful, to gradually increase to the requirement of material culture, the pursuit of books which are no longer read, pay more attention to books in the form of sublimation.Thus the concept of the by-product book learning, concept of book design research is based on people as the core, with communication as the ultimate goal, is a kind of fully embody the connotation of the books, form is refreshing, creative personality form of book design.Concept of book design is on the books, the nature of, the avant-garde, exploratory study of the physical form of representation of visual art.Is an exploration to the design of future books, is a door to train designers in the form of summarizing the creative thinking into books inspire type design issue.Life associated with nature, the nature of all things have spirit, “plant words plant words” books by extracting natural plant element, into the books design, so as to achieve an immersive experience in reading the mystery of nature to return to nature.
Keywords:Concept of books;natural;design;plant