



引言 1

一、企业管理创新概述 1

(一)企业管理创新的定义 1

(二)企业管理创新的作用 1

(1)提高企业经济效益 2

(2)降低交易成本 2

(3)企业稳定与发展的重要力量 2

(4)拓展市场,帮助竞争 2

(5)有助于企业家阶层的形成 3

二、企业管理创新的时代背景 3

三、国外企业管理创新动向 4

(一)以人为本的管理 4

(二)管理组织结构的变革 4

(三)流程的改革与创新 4

(四)CS战略 5

(五)管理文化 5

四、我国企业管理创新面临的挑战及解决办法 5

(一)我国企业管理创新面临的挑战 5

(1)经济制度、体系变革的挑战 5

(2)企业制度变革的挑战 6

(3)经营方式的挑战 6

(4)生产方式的挑战 6

(5)管理创新的挑战 7

(二)我国企业管理创新问题的解决方法 7

(1)努力学习、坚持开放 7

(2)既要重视产权革命,更要注重企业管理创新 7

(3)企业改革的最终成功,有赖予社会各方面改革的配合 8

(4)不要疏忽非国有企业的管理 8

(5)从工业经济时代的企业管理创新做起 8

结语 9

参考文献 10












In today’s economic globalization and the background of the financial crisis, management innovation success or failure is directly related to the survival and development of enterprises. Enterprises may be due to the implementation of a successful management innovation and rebirth, or is crowned as the commanding height of the industry, such as GE, Nike, Dell, ambitious, Taobao and other well-known enterprises at home and abroad by business model innovation success, Apple, Sony, Lenovo, TISCO and other enterprises have obtained the considerable development through strategic innovation, FedEx, Maersk, IBM, Haier and other companies for service marketing innovation has become the industry leader; at the same time, enterprises are also very likely because of the implementation of a failure of the external orientation management innovation and unable to get up after a fall, or even bankruptcy, such as South Korea’s Daewoo because of the blind expansion and lost its market position, because the management strategy mistakes Yaohan and declared bankrupt the telecommunications giant at & T, by the failure of “one-stop shopping” service and forced to split, Pan American Airlines because of the market environment and ignorance to fall. In between risks and benefits should be how to choose to be a challenge for many enterprise decision-makers. Therefore, this article from the China enterprise practice, systematic research on management innovation, explore the common features with the China characteristics of management innovation from the root, so as to provide guidance for the theory and practice of enterprise management innovation, improve the success rate, gain competitive advantage to serve for the enterprise.


Keywords:Management innovation; research;competitive advantage


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