
Translation is the most important means of communication between different countries and cultures,in which sentences are the basic units of translation and discourse. Proper sentence translation may lay a good foundation for the translation of a text and is the essential qualification of a translator.

Nowadays, all the books on the English translation are concerned with the long sentence translation. Long sentence translation has always been an important and difficult part of English-Chinese translation. The previous studies on the translation of English long sentences are mainly concerned with techniques of transferring the English long sentence.,but they are only introductory and limited to a few basic general rules. Long sentence translation is an area that demands more in-depth and comprehensive studies and that is what the paper aims at.

To study translation of long sentences from English to Chinese,by exemplifying,many Chinese and English sentences and their translated versions are introduced. The paper firstly introduces the present circumstances of English long sentences translation. And then,based on the standard of English long sentences translation, and the characteristics of English and Chinese languages and comparison between them,the paper discusses the factors effecting English long sentences translation and the basic processes and commonly-used skills of translating long sentences from English into Chinese.

In the end, it is pointed out that the translator should try to find a suitable method to translate long sentences from English to Chinese with view to the differences after comprehending the original correctly. And it also puts forward that there are more issues worth studying and this dissertation is just the beginning to probe into the techniques of long sentence translation from English to Chinese.


Key Words: translation   English long sentences   characteristics   methods



摘      要







关键词:  翻译    英汉长句     特征     方法



Acknowledgements. i

Abstract(English)… ii

Abstract(Chinese)… iii

  1. Introduction. 1
  2. Standards of English long sentences translation. 2

2.1 Criteria of English long sentences translation. 2

  1. The characteristics of English and Chinese sentences. 3

3.1 The characteristic of English long sentence structure. 4

3.2 The characteristic of Chinese long sentence structure. 5

3.3 Comparison of sentence structures in English and Chinese. 5

  1. Factors effecting English long sentences translation. 6

4.1 Cultural background of the languages. 6

4.2 Analysis of the original text 7

4.3 Translator’s competence on translation. 8

  1. Skills of translating English long sentences into Chinese. 9

5.1 The basic process of translating English long sentences into Chinese. 9

5.2 Commonly-used techniques to translate English long sentences into Chinese. 13

5.2.1 Rearrangement of the word order 13

5.2.2 Splitting and combination. 14

5.2.3 Conversion of some words. 15

5.2.4 Proper addition and omission. 17 Proper addition……………………………………………………17 Proper omission. 18

5.2.5 Necessary repetition. 19

  1. Conclusion. 20

References. 21


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