
Tang poetry is so excellent and of such a large sum that it is a precious cultural heritage of Chinese civilization in ancient time. It appeals so many people all over the world that more and more Tang poems have been translated into other languages, mostly into English. Nevertheless, since the translatability of poetry has been the most controversial issue in the translation circle, whether a Tang poem is translatable or not is now still in debate.

An American poet Robert Frost ever said, “Poetry is what gets lost in translation.” In this sense, something in Tang poetry will get lost after being translated into English. Here comes the untranslatability of Tang poems in English translation. Tang poetry is the harmonious unity of beautiful sound, well-balanced form and implicit sense so that it is very difficult to translate them into other languages satisfactorily. English is intonation language while Chinese is tone language so that they are dissimilar in sound; English spelling words are alphabetic writing while Chinese square characters are ideographic so that they are dissimilar in form; English was born and develops in western cultural background while Chinese in oriental so that they are dissimilar in sense. Based on the differences above, a conclusion is made naturally in the article that in the process of translating Tang poems into English, there is some untranslatability, namely, sound untranslatability, form untranslatability and sense untranslatability.

In fact, the study on the untranslatability of Tang poetry still has a great room for development, as it remains an unsolved problem. In this thsis, however, talking about the untranslatability of Tang poems in English translation is not against the translation work of Tang poems but for the better translations of them.


Key Words: Tang poems    untranslatability    sound untranslatability

form untranslatability    sense untranslatability









关键词:唐诗    不可译性    音不可译    形不可译    意不可译






Abstract (English)…..…………………………………………………..………………ii

Abstract (Chinese)………………………………………………………………..……iv

  1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………….1
  2. Untranslatability…………………………..………………………..….……………3

2.1 Definition of untranslatability..………..…………….……………………………3

2.2 Untranslatability in literature…….………………………………………………4

  1. Untranslatability of Tang poems…………………………………………………….6

3.1 Characteristics of Tang poems….……………………………….………………6

3.1.1 Beauty in sound……………………………………………………………7

3.1.2 Beauty in form…………………………………………………………….9

3.1.3 Beauty in sense…………………………………………………………..10

3.2 Causes of untranslatability of Tang poems in English translation….….………12

3.2.1 Cause in sound……………………………………………………………12

3.2.2 Cause in form…………………………………………………………….14

3.2.3 Cause in sense……………………………………………………………14

  1. Analysis on the untranslatability of Tang poems in English translation…………..16

4.1 Analysis on sound untranslatability…..………………………….……………..16

4.2 Analysis on form untranslatability……………………………………………………………19

4.3 Analysis on sense untranslatability……………………………………………………..……21

  1. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………22




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