



[关键字]  人本管理;企业管理;管理理念;



The idea of people oriented management studies in the application in business management


[Abstract]  the critical factors that decided the success of enterprise gradually turned to human resources in the knowledge economy era. Therefore, the enterprise management also turned to the “human-oriented” management concept. At present, although some enterprise puts forward the “people-oriented” slogan, however, they always contrary with the “people-oriented” slogan in the specific methods; Essentially, on the one hand, the corporate are identify with “people-oriented” management idea in principle; On the other hand, as a kind of serious and scientific thought of management, it must truly understand the “people-oriented” meaning, the emerge and the development of the human-oriented management thinking, and the relationship between the enterprises and management at the same time, can we be consciously used in guiding the practice of management. This paper makes a probe into question here.



[Key word]  person this management; enterprise management; management concept;



目  录

一、人本管理思想概述…………………………………………………. 1

(一)人本管理的基本内涵…………………………………………… 1

(二)人本管理的特征………………………………………………. 1

二、企业实施人本管理存在的问题………………………………………… 2

(一)人本管理的理念没有确立和落实………………………………….. 2

(二)缺乏有效的激励机制…………………………………………… 3

(三)人力资源开发利用不充分……………………………………….. 3

(四)缺乏企业文化的构建…………………………………………… 3

(五)企业人本管理的综合评价体系缺乏………………………………… 3

三、企业人本管理对策的实施……………………………………………. 4

(一)在全企业内部建立人本管理理念………………………………….. 4

(二)健全规章制度………………………………………………… 5

(三)建立现代企业激励监督机制……………………………………… 6

(四)构建“以人为本”的企业文化……………………………………. 7

结  论……………………………………………………………… 8

参考文献……………………………………………………………. 9


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