摘  要







Along with the economic globalization and informatization, information creation, processing, handling, delivery has become the important source of economic growth, as the main information transmission carrier telecommunication industry is becoming more and more important strategic position. This article attempts from a new perspective, the telecommunication enterprise as an open, dynamic system to study. The combination of telecommunication industry background and characteristics, in order to” competitive advantage exogenous theory” and” competitive advantage endogenetic theory” to balance each other as the theoretical foundation, China telecom enterprise management practice, proposed the telecommunication enterprises in the telecom service development innovation should follow the market opportunity and telecommunication enterprise strength balance principle as well as the telecommunication enterprise survival with the development of telecommunications enterprises balance principle, to constantly explore the telecommunication enterprise business model innovation, establishing effective competitive strategy of enterprises. In the new competitive environment, telecom enterprises only maximize and play enterprise resource potential, build enterprise core competitive ability, to grasp the future market competition in the initiative, to obtain sustainable competitive advantage.

Key words】 telecommunication enterprise; competition; strategy




目  录

1  绪论…………………………………….. 1

2  电信企业运营情况………………………….. 2

3  电信市场竞争情况………………………….. 4

3.1 潜在进入者威胁……………………………………. 4

3.2 现有竞争…………………………………………. 5

3.3 替代业务…………………………………………. 5

3.4 买方的议价能力……………………………………. 5

3.5 供货方的议价能力………………………………….. 5

4  电信企业竞争策略存在不足…………………… 7

4.1 供大于求,竞争过度………………………………… 7

4.2 电信企业营销管理不力………………………………. 7

4.3 电信目标市场定位不准………………………………. 8

4.4 电信企业资费过高………………………………….. 8

5  提升电信企业竞争策略的建议………………… 10

5.1 差异化竞争策略…………………………………… 10

5.2 科学开展营销…………………………………….. 10

5.3 精准市场定位…………………………………….. 12

5.4 合理调整资费…………………………………….. 12

6  结论……………………………………. 14

参考文献…………………………………… 15

致  谢…………………………………….. 16


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