

  要: 当今社会,随着科学技术的不断进步,影视技术也随之不断的发展和完善起来。从而,为影视资源的开发和利用打下了良好的基础。历史纪录片作为一种影视资源也越来越多的被运用到日常的历史教学中。因此,积极开发利用历史记录片使其为中学历史教学服务已然成为了当下历史教学的一个重要研究内容。鉴此,笔者以教育实习单位扶风高中的学生为调查对象对历史纪录片在高中历史课堂中的运用情况进行了调查研究,希望能够更好的唤起广大历史教师对历史题材记录片的关注,并将其适当的运用于历史教学活动中。以此来提高教师的教学技能,帮助改善教师的教学行为,并在一定程度上改变学生的学习方式,提高教学效率。本文主要研究历史纪实在高中历史教学中的应用情况,以部分间接反映整体,通过对具体问题的研究来探索抽象问题,进一步说明历史记录片在高中历史教学中应用的重要性和基本原则。同时,笔者认为针对历史记录片在现实运用中所存在的精确性和适度性等相关问题我们也应当在实际教学过程中不断联系学生的学习实践,发现问题,解决问题,这样才能使历史记录片更好的为历史教学而服务。









Application and exploration of historical documentary in high school history teaching

Abstract: In today’s society, with the continuous progress of science and technology, film and television technology is also constantly developing and improving. Thus, it lays a good foundation for the development and utilization of film and television resources. As a kind of film and television resources, historical documentary is more and more used in daily history teaching. Therefore, it has become an important research content of current history teaching to actively develop and utilize historical documentary to make it serve for middle school history teaching. In view of this, the author takes the students of fufeng high school as the investigation object to investigate the application of history documentary in the history classroom of high school, hoping to better arouse the attention of the majority of history teachers to historical documentary, and apply it to the history teaching activities appropriately. In this way, teachers’ teaching skills can be improved, their teaching behaviors can be improved, and students’ learning methods can be changed to some extent to improve their teaching efficiency. This paper mainly studies the application of historical documentary in the history teaching of high school, partly indirectly reflects the whole, and explores the abstract problems through the study of specific problems, and further explains the importance and basic principles of the application of historical documentary in the history teaching of high school. At the same time, the author thinks that aiming at the accuracy and appropriateness of historical documentary in the practical application and other related problems, we should also keep in touch with students’ learning practice in the actual teaching process, find out the problems and solve the problems, so as to make historical documentary better serve the history teaching.


Key words: Historical documentary; High school history; Mathematics


目  录


一、 引  言


(二) 研究目的与意义



(二) 历史纪录片的分类


三、 历史题材纪录片在高中历史教学中的重要性和运用原则



四、历史纪录片在高中历史教学中的运用情况调查——以扶 风高中为例








小 结



附 录



  1. 性别:男 ②女
  2. 年级;高一 ②高二





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