摘 要




关键词:计算机犯罪勘察;  现场;  勘察;  过程;   证据;  抓获;



A brief analysis of computer crime investigation technology


As entering the 21st century, is becoming more and more mature and the development of Internet technology, a variety of content on the Internet, from taobao in the game with the rise of the Internet age, everything is so rapid development, from the eighty s on the phone, we also take a cell phone can’t imagine now the level of information technology to develop so fast, now it looks all eighty – year – old man with a smartphone, with WeChat etc of APP, visible rapid development speed of the era, but also because of the rise of these people into the calculation of the information age also appeared a lot of computer crime.So the network information age is a double-edged sword, such as the network of pornography, gambling, drugs, etc., between the layers of screens, but can let people quietly living by the harm.

Key words: computer crime investigation;The scene;Survey;Process;Evidence;Captured;



目  录


摘 要

目  录

第一章 引入

第二章 计算机犯罪有哪些

第三章 计算机犯罪特点

第四章 计算机犯罪现场

第五章 计算机勘查要求

第六章 计算机犯罪勘查技术

第七章 计算机犯罪勘查步骤

第八章 计算机犯罪现场认定方法

第九章 总结


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