摘 要
最近几年,由于人口向城市地区集聚的速度和房地产开发速度的日益加快,物业管理服务行业得到了亘古未有的发展。物业管理服务行业属于劳动力投入大于技术程度的行业,人才在这个领域里起到了至关重要的作用,中层管理人员作为企业人力资源的核心,领导着企业管理活动,是企业创造价值和效率的主要因素,也是企业的核心竞争力。 所以,考虑如何培养和发展企业的中层管理人员,提高管理水平,成为现代企业人力资源管理首要考虑的第一件事。通过调查和研究中层管理人员的培训情况,在国内外先进的理论下进行分析,形成并完善了对于物业公司中层管理人员的培训体系,希望对于促进公司战略实现和提升可持续发展起着重要作用,并具有一定的参考、指导和实际应用价值。
In recent years, due to the population to the urban areas of the speed of agglomeration and the speed of real estate development is accelerating, property management services industry has been through the ancient development. Property management services industry is more than the technical level of labor investment in the industry, talent in this area has played a vital role in the middle of the management of human resources as the core of the enterprise, leading the business management activities, enterprises create value and efficiency of the main Factors, but also the core competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, consider how to cultivate and develop the middle management of enterprises, improve the management level, become the first consideration of modern enterprise human resource management. Through the investigation and study of the training of middle management personnel, under the advanced theory at home and abroad to analyze and form a scientific training system for the promotion of sustainable development and promote the company’s strategy to achieve an important role. Therefore, the research of this paper has made positive guidance, reference and practical application value for the establishment and management of the management system of the grassroots managers in the property companies.
Key Words: Property management; property management company; middle management; training program