摘    要









Since the early 1980s, China’s property management began in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, property companies pay more attention to the competition of customers so began a rapid development and 90 years of market competition, the “owners satisfied” focus on the success of the property company Important standard size, the same, China’s property management in the community to give more international standardization and humanitarian color of the real estate quality continues to improve, people’s property management standards are also rising, and with the information The development of modern technology, property management, modern technology and technology capacity is also led by rapid growth, from the survey, for customer satisfaction analysis, the customer’s cultural growth factors customers pass the value point based on satisfying the demand, it needs basic relationship practice Innovation, and thus explore customer satisfaction and internal relations.

Customers, think that he is from the location where the goods can be provided to buy goods in order to pursue the maximized value, they are the owner of the product value of the product, the value of the service, the value of the people, the value of the image, the money spent, etc. When you experience the company Service, cost and other factors will be compared with the total value of the benefits of their own income, so pay more attention to customer satisfaction, so the service to the owners, to the safety and cleanliness to provide an elegant living environment, to achieve the greatest customer value So as to achieve customer satisfaction, which is to promote the appreciation and protection of the property.


Key Words: property services; customer satisfaction; strategy research; information development


目    录

摘    要    I

Abstract II

一、绪论    1

(一)研究背景    1

(二)研究目的及意义    1

1.研究目的·· 1

2.研究意义·· 1

(三)文献综述    1

1.国外文献综述·· 2

2.国内文献综述·· 2

(四)研究的主要内容    2

1.业主满意度调研的研究背景具体分析·· 2

(1) 物业管理对投资经济的作用·· 2

(2) 忽视售后服务导致业主纠纷矛盾·· 2

2.提高业主满意度的具体方法及内容·· 3

二、住宅型物业管理的内容特点及与业主满意度联系    4

(一)住宅小区物业管理内容    4

1.住宅小区管理的基本内容·· 4

2.住宅小区物业管理的社区文化·· 4

3.住宅小区物业管理的便民服务·· 4

(二)住宅小区管理的基本特点    4

(三)与业主满意度之间的内在联系    5

三、国内外业主满意度分析    5

(一)我国住宅小区业主满意度分析    5

1.采取问卷调查的形式·· 5

2.采取问卷调查时所需执行的原则·· 6

3.业主满意度测评的重要性·· 6

4.主要问题分析·· 6

(二)国外物业服务企业管理体系    7

1.英国物业管理的基本体制·· 7

2.英国物业采取“松散”的物业服务管理方式·· 7

3.英国物业管理费用的收取模式·· 8

4.皇家特许屋宇经理学会·· 8

四、提高物业公司满意度策略    9

(一)业主满意度策略的重要性    9

(二)注重物业资产的实用价值    9

(三)成本策略    10

1.对于工作人员的成本管理·· 10

2.增强细节管理·· 11

3.成本节约管理·· 11

4.对于提高业主满意度的重要意义·· 11

(四)业主期望管理    11

1.业主期望管理变化原因分析·· 11

2.提高业主的期望值管理·· 12

(五)创新型管理    12

1.创新性管理意义·· 12

2.万科的案例分析之管理模式新改变·· 12

3.物业服务对策启示·· 13

五、提高业主满意度策略的保障性实施    13

(一)物业公司要建立顾客满意的服务理念    14

(二)建立服务信息化    14

  1. 业主投诉反映便捷·· 14
  2. 及时处理·· 14

(三)建立回访调查处理进度与效率    15

结    论    16

致    谢    17

参考文献    18

附 录 一    19

附 录 二    20


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