Modern fair exhibits in more and more, the exhibit is dazzling. With the change in people’s attitudes to participate in a convention, has not just ran to one or several of the exhibits, most of the visitors are holding the mentality of the “list of the group was” in visiting the exhibition, therefore, modern the main exhibition is about “visible, see all”, and for the exhibition designer, when combined with visual communication design, it is necessary to consider whether the design so that visitors can clearly see the information on the exhibit and details, or to attract visitors to visit.
Today, however, with the rapid economic development, which caused environmental problems become increasingly prominent, the gradual depletion of resources, pollution is worsening. Past, people eager to develop the economy, and not due to rapid economic development has brought too much attention to environmental issues, people are more concerned about whether the increase in income, whether to raise the quality of life, environmental pollution, even if that should not be so, but can not We are determined to completely change this situation. In recent years began, people finally began to really pay attention to environmental problems caused by humans, and is committed to environmental protection and economic development so that combination of coordinated development. Based on the exhibition’s green operation and sustainable development in the current development of the analysis, the main problems in the implementation of its existence, the actual situation of China’s exhibition industry, and the combination of theory and experience, put forward the corresponding countermeasures.
Keywords: Exhibition green operations; sustainable development; Perfecting Countermeasures
目 录
绪论 1
一、会展绿色运营及可持续发展相关理论概述 1
(一)会展绿色运营及可持续发展的定义 1
(二)会展绿色运营及可持续发展的特点 1
1、符合可持续发展、科学发展观 1
2、符合低碳环保生活理念 2
(三)相关理论概述 2
1、会展设计概述 2
2、视觉传达设计概述 2
二、会展绿色运营及可持续发展的主要体现方面 3
(一)照明设计在会展绿色运营及可持续发展中的应用 3
1、绿色灯光在展会照明设计中的运用 3
2、会展绿色照明的视觉传达设计原理 3
3、影响会展绿色照明设计的因素 4
4、会展绿色运营及可持续发展的照明视觉传达设计原则 4
(二)提升视觉传达设计在会展绿色运营及可持续发展中的作用 4
1、照明设计的理性运用 4
2、结合展厅实际情况,运用绿色灯光 5
三、我国会展绿色运营及可持续发展的现状及存在的问题 5
(一)会展绿色运营及可持续发展理论尚不成熟 5
(二)相关法律法规不健全 5
(三)对会展绿色运营及可持续发展的监督力度不够 6
(四)缺乏专项方面的专业人才 6
四、会展绿色运营及可持续发展在我国推行的发展对策 7
(一)加强并完善会展绿色运营及可持续发展的学术研究 7
(二)建立健全的会展绿色运营及可持续发展的法律规范 7
(三)加强对会展绿色运营及可持续发展的重视程度 8
(四)大力培养专业人才,提高人员素质 8
结论 9
参考文献 10